V4.2 of ASD S1000D Specification – Release Details

On Monday the 6th of February 2017, the S1000D Working Group released v4.2 of the ASD S1000D Specification.  Below is a summary of the key changes that have been implemented into Issue 4.2.

Business Rules and BREX

The most obvious thing to me was the focus around Business Rules (BRs), BR Decision Points (BRDPs), the automatic generation of a BREX DM, and new Information Code (IC) for business rules (024), so that you don’t have to use the BREX (022) info code (IC) any more.

Specific items worth a mention:

  1. Business Rules Decision Points –
    1. 23 new BRDPs
    2. 136 BRDPs deleted
    3. 128 BRDPs reworded
  2. Business Rules Mark up for BRDPs allow for the automatic generation of the BREX DM.
  3. Chapter 2.5.3 – Business Rules Index
  4. Chapter – BREX data module – Coding a BREX DM
  5. Chapter – Introduction to brDoc DM schema
  6. Chapter 8.4.1 – new Information Code 024 – Business Rules document

Other changes

Other changes and updates of interest that were noted:

  1. New section for ICN metadata files (chapter – the ICN metadata file contains the hotspot calls outs for the graphic.
  2. Techname (in IDstatus block DMTitle) now has an attribute securityClassification
  3. Chapter – Front matter markup examples!
  4. Chapter 8.2.5 – new subsystem 70 to system 34 and system 85
  5. New Information Code IC 0A4 for Warnings CIR (Common Information Repository) and
    IC 0A5 for Cautions CIR
  6. IPD – Operations restriction information – the element <restrictedOperationNote> has been expanded to support a new attribute of operationType (O) and can have the values of op01 to op99
  7. Learning – runtime. The notations.xml has been expanded to support declarations for CSS, FLA, JS and ZIP
  8. Schedule schema now supports preliminary requirements
  9. Reason for Update – this element now supports references to Data Modules, Publication Modules and External Pub References

To download the latest version of the specification and sample data, visit the S1000D.ORG site.

If you have any questions for the ADG Consulting Team regarding the new version of the specification, please email [email protected]

Reeta Nye


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