Pennant International Group Plc is committed to providing investors with as much information as possible on the business, with the principal communication medium being this website. The main purpose of the website is to provide an overview of the Group capabilities, products and services. In addition it sets out the information required to be disclosed by the AIM Rules for Companies. Under Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies, certain information is required to be available on a Company’s website.

This information is designed to help investors obtain an understanding of the Company and is additional to the extensive information given elsewhere on this website. The information is set out in the pages listed to the right. On behalf of the board I welcome direct communication with investors, current and prospective, and I, Phil Walker, Chief Executive Officer, can be contacted by email at [email protected].

Pennant International has not applied or agreed to have any of its securities admitted or traded on any other exchange or trading platform. Pennant International Group plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. The information provided in relation to AIM Rule 26 was last updated November 2023. Legal Notice: This site is owned and maintained by Pennant International Group plc.


The Group is committed to good corporate governance and has elected to comply with the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code.
This section of the website explains the governance arrangements that are in place.


Please find below Company Constitution Documents. To download a copy click on the appropriate document title.



Directors Talk - 02 July 2024

Directors Talk - 08 February 2024

Directors Talk - 16 October 2023

Proactive - 21st June 2023

Directors Talk - 23rd June 2023


Other industries

(Shipping, Nuclear, Space)