IPS and ILS Consulting

We offer a range of effective and efficient support solutions.

Our Services

1.  Program Design, Project Planning, Policy and Guidance
2.  Product Support Engineering and Analysis
3.  Product Support Data Services
4.  Product Support Data Integration and Management
5.  Product Support Effectiveness Reviews
6.  Product Life Cycle Costing and Planning

Program Design, Project Planning, RFT/RFP and Contract Analysis, Policy and Guidance

Effective and efficient support solutions do not just happen, they are designed and built into successful acquisition and sustainment programs.  As an integral element of System Engineering processes, supportability engineering is founded upon sound product support analysis practices, and these should be considered at the onset of a project so that appropriate plans and deliverables are included in the acquisition and in-service program so that support solutions are ready on time.
There are many elements that must be considered, and these include supply chain sparing and test equipment requirements, technician and operator training, information system data creation and resource planning (ERP) preparation, and technical documentation publication and delivery. How these are incorporated into a RFT/ RFP or contract is critically important as it may result in unforeseen project cost arisings, or challenges in managing Product Data deliverables that could easily be avoided if carefully considered early in project planning.

Product Support Engineering and Analysis

Logistic Support Analysis, or Product Support Analysis, comprise an array of techniques and methodology that ILS practitioners use to design and deliver effective equipment support solution.  Our IPS, ILS and reliability engineers provide advice and services that naturally progress and build product support data needed to optimise equipment in-service support.  Common maintenance engineering analysis that is conducted includes physical and function equipment breakdown, material identification, Failure Modes Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) analysis, and Maintenance Task Analysis.  Additional resource analysis and planning is also required, and is often included as part of initial provisioning conferences (IPC) or other material procurement or material catalogue activity.

Product Support Data Services

The true cost of ownership of a major asset such as a ship, vehicle, or aircraft is much more than the purchase price. The duration and frequency of maintenance and repair has a substantial effect on overall cost. OmegaPS and GenS is a software suite for the generation and capture of Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) data that allows engineers to re-use the data for producing technical documentation, completing provisioning activities, assessing design change impacts, and conducting analysis to improve support.
However, to enable this ability, how to create and tailor product support data must be understood.  We help our clients identify required data and provide a range of service offerings that either enable our clients to conduct product support analysis, or we provide these services for them.  Either way, this work is always conducted collaboratively so that the right equipment support outputs, such as ILS standard reports, or publications, are developed and delivered.


Product Support Data Integration and Management

Product Support data is an integral element of any corporate information system. To maintain configuration control, a suitable equipment support baseline is established that must be integrated as part of an enterprise solution that may include CAD, project lifecycle management (PML), ERP, or other data information systems such as RAM or obsolescence tools.
We provide services to help clients design their information technology architecture, as well as assist with OmegaPS product data loading, data migration, or data input into ERP systems. Our specialists leverage OmegaPS support tools or other XML applications, or we use or create modules that interface with corporate systems, such as our Fit Definition module that is used with SAP.

Product Support Effectiveness Reviews

Once an equipment is fielded the “true test” of equipment reliability and maintainability begins. Though all efforts are made to design and build an optimum support solution, there may be non-predicted failures that have an unforeseen impact on equipment performance. Indeed, it may be determined that maintenance activities and their frequency may not be appropriate. It is therefore critical that an in-service monitoring and maintenance effectiveness assessment program is established. Pennant provides services that analyse field data, and through a consultative process, identify opportunities on how to improve support solutions.

Product Life Cycle Costing and Planning

It is recognised worldwide that the equipment in-service sustainment costs often are as much, if not more than the initial acquisition cost. With constrained resources, there is a need to identify effective equipment support options and solutions that delivers the desired equipment capability while minimising life cycle costs.
Supporting both Sustainment Business Case analysis, as well as equipment life cycle planning, we use Analyzer to help our clients assess operational impacts and estimate lifecycle costs. With an embedded sensitivity analysis, we identify cost drivers, and present support solution sparing and resource allocations that are optimised against availability and cost constraints. With this information, our customers make informed decisions throughout the equipment life cycle, including acquisition, in-service, and decommissioning.

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