The Defence Command Paper

The Defence Command paper, ‘Defence in a Competitive Age’ was published last night and captures the plans for the future, highlighted in the Government’s Integrated Review.

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Pennant’s CEO, Phil Walker, shares his thoughts on the paper:

“Pennant is pleased to see the opportunities outlined for technology-based companies and UK SMEs, such as Tempest and the continued commitment to AJAX and Wildcat programmes.

The plans for the use of advanced digital technology and synthetic equipment to support training are aligned with Pennant’s strategy and capabilities.  In addition, the highlighted plans for the harmonisation between defence and civil training over the next 12 months are pivotal. The proposed review of the professional accreditation of apprenticeship programmes will place those in the industry in good stead for any future career pathways in both military and civil sectors, recognising the importance of aviation personnel having transferable skills.

Pennant is well placed to support the proposed plans and we look forward to seeing further details released in the coming months.”