Save 5% off OneStrand Services in Celebration of ADG’s BIG 2-0!

Producing your technical data into an S1000D environment is a smart business decision for your company’s future, but what about all of that legacy technical data from the past?

OneStrand understands that as we approach the future of S1000D technical writing, we also need to understand where the Data once began! Therefore, we would like to give you an opportunity to save 5% off all OneStrand Technical Services to see what our team of experts can do to help transition, maintain and preserve your data quality as your team approaches S1000D more confidently.

Our Technical experts are on standby to help support all your requirements such as, but not limited to:

  • Data Analysis;
  • Data Conversion – Don’t retype all of your legacy data, when you can automate conversion from its current format into S1000D Data Modules;
  • Develop Business Rules (BRDPs) and BREX;
  • Training;
  • Creation and revision of authored content;
  • Preparation and revision of 2D and 3D illustrations;
  • On-site or Remote resources;
  • Documentation upgrades and usability enhancements.

In addition, OneStrand can give any company the advantage it needs by partnering with your team to tackle projects utilizing legacy software programs such as; FrameMaker, Arbortext Editor, and latest technology solutions utilizing the R4i S1000D Software Suite.

Now that you have the knowledge, see us in action with 5% off all services for the month of November. There has never been a better time to see what OneStrand can do as ONE Vendor than RIGHT NOW!

Interested in more cost savings, call Melissa at +1 503.313.7989 or connect via email [email protected]. We are all looking forward to demonstrating our team’s abilities to save your team time and money, as they confidently approach the transition into the future of S1000D Authoring.


Ernie Brache
CEO, OneStrand


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