R4i BREX Validator

The R4i BREX Validator is a tool that can be used to validate Data Modules and Publication Modules against a Business Rules Exchange (BREX) module. This tool allows you to validate any XML S1000D module against any BREX of the same specification version, not just the BREX that has been referenced in the Identification and Status section.

R4i BREX Validator verifies information that is contained in the delivered data modules, against the projects Business Rules (BREX) including a layered BREX.

The R4i BREX Validator installs ready to start validating your content. The free version (R4i BREX Validator Standard) of the BREX Validator validates a single Data Module at a time.

R4i BREX Validator Professional

When a license has been applied, the functionality will change from single file validation to batch file validation (R4i BREX Validator Professional). With an active license, users will have either a specific number of files that can be validated or an expiry date, depending on the requirements of the licensing.

The R4i BREX Validator has the following functions available:

  • Run Validation – this will start the validation process
  • Schema Validation – provides the ability to validate the schema of the files
  • BREX validation – provides support for layered BREX checking
  • Move Invalid Files – when this is enabled, files that fail the validation will be moved into an Invalid folder
  • Clear Results – this will clear the results panel
  • Open Input Folder – this will open Windows Explorer to the input location
  • Validation Reports – provides Full, Failed and Developer Validation Reports in the Professional Edition