DSET 2021

We’ve just completed our first hybrid show #DSET2021!

The exhibition took place at Ashton Gate, Bristol on the Monday 24th to Wednesday the 26th May, with an additional Virtual Only Industry Showcase on the Thursday 27th May.

Our Pennant representatives were Jacqui Chapman (Head of Sales & Technical Services), Stuart Hooker (Business Development Manager), Rob Acton (Operations Manager – Manchester) and Amy Hands (Business Support & Marketing Communications Assistant).

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Our stand showcased multiple training aids including the Generic Hand Skill Trainer (GenSkill), Virtual Loadmaster Training System (VLTS), Virtual Aircraft Training System (VATS) and the Engine System Start Trainer (ESST).

We want to thank the Ruddy Nice team for their organisation in hosting a brilliant event.

If you missed us, or would like to have a conversation with the team, please get in touch: [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you at future events very soon.

#DSET #exhibition #pennant #training #defencetraining #defencesimulation #defenceeducation