2020 DND License Renewal with Pennant Canada Ltd

It’s a delight to announce Pennant Canada Limited has renewed the license agreement with the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) to develop and produce OmegaPS Analyzer.

The OmegaPS Analyzer product has been available on the market since 1996 and is known globally for providing a solution for analytical excellence for government and defence industries internationally.

Jonathan Patterson, Pennant Canada’s President & COO, commented:

“For Pennant the renewal of the Analyzer Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) License Agreement means more than just software, rather it reflects the long-lasting relationship Pennant has with DND that is predicated on trust and commitment to ILS excellence.”

The Pennant Canada team use defence industry specific research to improve the functionality and user-ability of this product; enabling analysts to make informed decisions for Life Cycle Costing, Sparing-Supply Chain Requirements, and Level of Repair Analysis.

Looking forward, Pennant are excited to develop the OmegaPS Analyzer tool’s functionality and continue working with DRDC and Industry Partners.


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