Celebrating 63 years of Pennant!

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Pennant is celebrating 63 years today (25th February 2021).

Since 1958, Pennant has evolved into a leading provider of technology-based training solutions and has become an established global supplier of  Integrated Product Support (“IPS”) software and services. This worldwide capability is supported by a highly-skilled, innovative and creative team spread across our offices in the UK, North America and Australasia.

From modest beginnings creating animated displays, producing exhibition stands and creating prototype designs of the world’s first Hovercraft with Sir Christopher Cockerell, to entering emerging markets in education and training in 1965 when Brian Crawford and David Henderson joined the company, Pennant experienced substantial development and growth. The company has notably produced procedural and maintenance trainers for civil and military equipment, sophisticated software solutions including emulations and the Omega PS Logistical Support Analysis Requirement software.


In 2018 and 2019, Pennant completed the acquisition of Aviation Skills Foundation and Track Access Services, continuing the strategic expansion and further strengthening Pennant’s offering to civilian aviation and rail sectors. In 2020, Absolute Data Group and the R4i software suite joined the group to improve and increase our IPS offering.

Today, the Group has an extensive portfolio of Generic, VR and emulation trainers, a engineered solution capability, a highly-skilled creative department within its Studio Services facility delivering CBT, E-Learning, Illustration, Authoring, Copywriting, Graphic Design and Video Production. Our IPS specialists are known globally with their market leading tools; R4i and OmegaPS, and provide services to develop and manage engineering data and business critical documentation. All of this is delivered through the Group’s two business units: Technical Training and Integrated Product Support to support the rail, defence, aerospace and safety critical industries.

The Group’s CEO, Phil Walker said “It is exciting being part of a technology-led company which is actively pursuing a strategy to expand its capabilities through innovation and acquisition, as demonstrated by the recent purchase of the R4i software suite and development of virtual training products. I look forward to the next phase in Pennant’s development.”

Pennant Montage